I did the 30 Day Song Challenge on Facebook for the month of April. I thought I'd make those songs my Current Music Faves, this month. These faves come complete with links to songs if you want to hear them.
I was having a bit of trouble with spacing. I tried running the text through Notepad to try to fix it, which it did, quite a bit; but, there's still some spacing issues. I don't feel like spending days trying to figure out what's up with that. (LOL)
So, starting from Day 1 -- here it is!

Day 1
A song you like with a color in the title
A song you like with a number in the title
A song that reminds you of Summer time
A song that reminds you of someone you'd rather forget
LOLOL I need to clarify this by saying I had to think for a long time if there was even a song. I love this song and it only mildly reminds me of that person.
A song that needs to be played loud
(I think all songs I like need to be played loud; but, here's one of them.)
Day 6
Valkyrie by Battle Tapes
Day 6
Valkyrie by Battle Tapes
A song that makes you want to dance
Day 7
A song to drive to
Superhuman by Velvet Revolver
A song about drugs or alcohol
How about one about both?
A song about drugs or alcohol
How about one about both?
Day 9
Detachable Penis by King Missile
A song that makes you happy
(This was a difficult category for me. What makes me happy kind of depends on what mood I'm in and what I'm really into at the moment. This song definitely makes me laugh & puts a smile on my face, every time.)

A song that makes you happy
(This was a difficult category for me. What makes me happy kind of depends on what mood I'm in and what I'm really into at the moment. This song definitely makes me laugh & puts a smile on my face, every time.)

Day 10
A song that makes you sad
When Scott Weiland died, the radio stations played this a lot even though it's not a Stone Temple Pilots song. It seemed very fitting. This song reminds me of his death.
Day 11
A song you never get tired of
Day 12
Name a song from your preteen years.
Day 13
The Boys Are Back In Town by Thin Lizzy
A song you like from the 70's
One of those brilliant songs from an era when songwriting was like telling a story to your friend.
A song you like from the 70's
One of those brilliant songs from an era when songwriting was like telling a story to your friend.
A song you'd love to be played at your wedding
Since I'm already married (for the 2nd time) and am still married.. I almost didn't do this one. BUT, I figured if we ever renew our vows -- this is the song I'd want to play -- I guess.
Mony Mony covered by Billy Idol originally recorded by Tommy James and the Shondells
A song you like that's a cover by another artist
A song you like that's a cover by another artist
Day 16
A song that's a classic favorite
Black Wedding by In This Moment featuring Rob Halford
A song you'd sing a duet with someone on karaoke
A song you'd sing a duet with someone on karaoke
Day 18
A song from the year you were born: 1969
I love this song!!!
Day 19
A song that makes you think of life
Day 20
A song that has many meanings to you
I've posted this song at least two times before in my Facebook feed and blog. (Not during the 30 Day Song Challenge.)
There are religious overtones, overtones about life, and overtones that even seem to fit this pandemic we are going through, now.
Day 21A song you like with a person's name in the title

Day 22
Here Comes Success covered by Duran Duran -- originally recorded by Iggy Pop -- Songwriters: David Bowie / Ricky Gardiner / Iggy Pop
A song that moves you forward
Day 23
A song you think everyone should listen to I'm not one to say someone HAS to listen to a song. Music is subjective. I picked a song that seems to have made a comeback as to its relevance, in the last few years.
A song you think everyone should listen to I'm not one to say someone HAS to listen to a song. Music is subjective. I picked a song that seems to have made a comeback as to its relevance, in the last few years.
Day 24
A song by a band you wish were still together
The song that marked the collapse of the glam metal era. I'd never heard anything like it before. Grunge wasn't my favorite genre when it was in the forefront. It is one of my favorites, now, however.
A song you like by an artist no longer living
A beautiful jazz song that reminds me of walking through an art museum.
A song that makes you want to fall in love
My response for a while was "I don't knooooooow!" As I'm not really one that's into "love songs". I thought about it and I think falling in love initially -- (given that there's compatibility) is that anticipation, newness and longing. So Rain it is.
A song that breaks your heart
It's not the song itself that breaks my heart -- it's what I associate the song with.
Some years ago, I used to watch a YouTube channel called foxalbiazul. A guy in Arkansas had a pet red fox named Ron Ron. In April of 2016, Ron Ron died in his sleep. Just like that, he was gone. For some reason, it was almost as if my own pet had died. This song was in one of Ron Ron's early videos -- a montage of when he was a kit. It will forever remind me of that silly-sweet fox. 💔

Day 28
Mountain of The Sun by Greta Van Fleet (singer Josh Kiszka)
A song by an artist whose voice you love
Josh Kiszka is one of many singers whose voice I love.
I decided to feature him for this because this band gets a lot of flack for sounding like Led Zeppelin.
I love Led Zeppelin; but, I'm not a stubborn die-hard fan who can't see the torch passed on to a younger generation of great musicians.
I just think of it as: They continued where Led Zeppelin left off.
Hopefully they will be around for a very long time.

A song you remember from your childhood
I remember this song being on the radio a lot and my parents had this as a single.
I have not ever heard this song after that, until now.
A song that reminds you of yourselfThis song will forever remind me of going back on anti-depressants -- feeling like I was me again & feeling like I was alive again. 💜